Sat 7 Sep 2024 21:29 MDT
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Edmonton Weather

Observed at: Edmonton Int'l Airport 9:00 PM MDT Saturday 7 September 2024
Condition: Clear
Temperature: 15.7°C
Pressure: 101.3 kPa rising
Visibility: 24 km
Humidity: 65 %
Dewpoint: 9.2°C
Wind: N 2 km/h
Air Quality Health Index: 4
]]> Courtesy of Environment Canada

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Athabasca U. All Sky Image (BETA)

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Live (after dark) all sky image from Athabasca University. Click the image to visit their site for more information.

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Unique alert level email address

Registered users can now have alert emails sent to a different account to that of their contact email address.  This means that you can have alerts redirected to your mobile phone (if capable and set up). is launched!
Welcome to the new Aurora Watch service for the Edmonton region and similar magnetic latitudes.  This service has been designed to provide a forecast of auroral activity for the forthcoming evening, based upon geomagnetic disturbances measured at the University of Alberta's local magnetometer station.  

An email alert service is offered free of charge to inform subscribers if the probability of observing auroral displays this evening is particularly high-maximizing the chance of witnessing this breathtaking spectacle!
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